1- On her private life being public
"It's hard to re-live some of the bad moments and it's not really a normal way to live your life. You get the feelings all over again it's a really strange way to live, and then everyone sees it and everyone comments. It makes you think; 'Am I doing the right thing?' But you know I live my life for myself."
2- Her response to a fan telling her to dump Scott
"OK, I'll do it for you."
3- Quote on how being a mother changed her
"Even silly things, like the fact that all of my pictures on my cell phone used to be of me at photo shoots — conceited, I know! — but, now, every single picture on my phone is of Mason."
4- Is my booty dropping?
"I want to try to do squats — stuff that will keep the booty up there!"
5- Mason to the rescue
"We are tired of the lies. Mason brought me and Scott closer together. Our relationship is stronger."
6- How she lost the weight from pregnancy so quickly
"They doctored and Photoshopped my body to make it look like I have already lost all the weight [from my pregnancy], which I have not."
7- Just too funny of a quote
"Khloe, stop molesting my sister."
8- Tacos go where?
"Ashley Paige is insane. I'm ready to shove a taco up her A$$."
9- Kourtney Kardashian's quote about her period
"I'm sure. I don't like write those things down."
10- Helping Kim with slogans
"Do it with class, but undress that A$$."
The professional website online for Kardashian display movies, clips, information, pictures and display agenda from E! ... What Life Was Like Before Keeping Up With the Kardashians.