Top Ten Best Kim Kardashian Quotes

1- Kim Kardashian is sexy
"I'm just really confident sexually, and I think that sort of oozes out of my pores. It's just there. It's something I don't have to turn on."

2- Wants fangs
"I would, like, die to be in 'Twilight'... being around all those hot guys. I want to be a vampire. I kind of want to be evil." 

3- Love Advice 
"It doesn't matter if you have a valentine or not - just love yourself and be your own."

4- I have a feeling most guys agree with her thoughts on her curves
"I love curves. Being super skinny just isn't attractive to me."

5- Kim Kardashian's quote on gay and lesbian rights
"This really makes me sad... I thought we were more forward thinking than this, and I'm disappointed in the Supreme Court for being so closed minded. Everyone... gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered, EVERYONE should have equal rights to marry who they want to."

6- Her thoughts on all the pub Jessica Simpson got when Simpson was dubbed as fat by some media
"LEAVE HER ALONE!!! She is so drop dead gorgeous, and the fact that the media is sending this message out to young girls is mind blowing!"

7- The drawbacks of being famous
"Believe it or not, fame is not as glamorous as it seems. I think it is much harder now with all of the media outlets, and people can be pretty nasty and harsh."

8- Against drinking and driving 
"I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others. Please drink responsibly and it's never acceptable to drink and drive!"

9- Kim Kardashian quote on Paris
"If Paris Hilton thinks my butt looks gross I really don't care. At least I have a butt."

10- Just being honest 
"I know most celebrities say they don't read what the press says about them; but to be honest; I suspect in most cases, they don't want to admit that they actually care what is written about them. I'll tell you straight up — I do read it! Some of it is true, a lot of it is flattering, and a lot of it is totally off the mark."

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